They have made it possible

Радміла Сегол Автор проекту ITArts

Radmila Segol

ITArts project founder

She has PhD in social communication studies and works as associated professor at National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Radmila is into humanities and arts but she always wants to be techie and she knows that information technology rules the world and it is important to stay up-to-date and understand it.

Людмила Павленко Комунікаційний координатор проекту ITArts

Liudmyla Pavlenko

ITArts project communication officer

Влад Северенчук Менеджер проекту ITArts

Vlad Severenchuk

ITArts project manager

He has got master degree in mechanical engineering at National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Vlad worked over 2 years at the largest movie studio in Eastern Europe. This out of IT experience has shown that effective and enjoins work impossible without knowledge and understanding of the modern technologies.

Андрій Пархоменко Веб-розробник проекту ITArts

Andriy Parkhomenko

ITArts project web-developer

He has got master degree at National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, department of reprography. On Andriy’s opinion nowadays with all-out automazation and informatization everyone should have basic knowledge in IT.